New Connecting for Good report reveals impact and learning from shifting power to communities

Connecting for Good is a social movement working to address isolation and marginalisation across Coventry, empowering people in the city to make change through community organising. We believe that the key to closing equity gaps is direct participation by impacted communities in developing and implementing solutions. Connecting for Good (CfG) is an ecosystem of 18 […]

The latest from Connecting for Good – community, connection and capacity for change in Coventry

Our Connecting for Good community organisers are a busy lot! When they’re not helping Coventry people form and lead their own solutions to isolation and marginalisation, they’re sharing what works with the world through Medium or taking a quick trip to Poland to compare notes with European counterparts. But it is also good to pause […]

Connecting for Good Cov team travels to Manchester for Reconnection Summit

This summer, Engage Britain’s Reconnection Tour travelled the UK showcasing the power of community connection. Grapevine’s Connecting for Good movement against isolation welcomed the tour to Coventry on 2 July. More than 90 people showed up in the rain (of course, it’s summer!) to celebrate incredible local stories of connection, mutual support and people power. […]

I truly believe in the work the Connecting for Good team do to end marginalisation and isolation

For the first time since Connecting for Good began in Coventry in 2018, we are welcoming a team leader to work alongside our community organisers and further progress the movement’s aims of ending isolation and marginalisation in the city, reforming the system that allows it. Introducing Laura Fisher to Grapevine! Listen to or read her […]

Riverbank Academy joins Connecting for Good’s fight against isolation in Coventry

When deputy head Jane Heavey of Riverbank Academy, Coventry approached our Connecting for Good team to work on loneliness and isolation with their young people, we jumped at the chance. Jane had attended our online summit to harness community spirit and turn it into community power during lockdown in 2020.  Young people with learning […]

Connecting for Good: Reflection as Radical

In the sixth, and penultimate, ‘How do we connect each other for good?’ blog series by Act Build Change and Connecting for Good Cov, Steph and Mel introduce a lesson on how we reflect as the movement moves and also the issue of boundaries. If we imagined community organising as a three-legged stool, reflection would […]

Connecting for Good – the story so far

Last week marked the start of our Connecting for Good movement against isolation in Coventry. It’s been a busy few days since then so we’re taking a moment to reflect on the day and capture some of the great feedback, news coverage and photos. Click here to view the story so far on Wakelet. Read […]

How do we connect each other for good?

Since late summer 2018, Grapevine has been growing a movement of 3,000 Coventry people connected by one powerful, shared purpose – to fight loneliness and isolation. Back at the start of our journey, we came together with an organisation called Act Build Change to develop a community organising methodology that would be the key to […]