Our final sign off for 2021! Here’s how we have helped 1,505 people build better lives this year, told through our highlights and headlines.
Set to a piece of music entitled ‘Get Up Again’ (we thought this was apt after another demanding year for all of us), please watch and share our 2021 Year in Review video and read on for a breakdown of our vital statistics.*
This year we have strengthened 390 people – uncovering their talents and passions, connecting them to community and opportunity.
We have sparked community action alongside a further 631 – movements for change, ambitious for their members’ health and happiness.
And we have shifted power with 484 more people – understanding issues and solving real problems together, for good.

A huge thank you to our funders, supporters and friends who make our work possible. We are grateful to our passionate community and network of mutual support, driving connection and change against the odds again this year.
Much, much more to come in 2022!
*We are also adding an alternative audio clip and accessible text script version of the video to our YouTube channel.