“One thing’s for sure, CYA certainly know how to deal with a challenge and… if we can bring one positive from this time we’d like people who are now faced with living and seeing things from our perspective to take this time to really understand the feelings that some of us experience every day.”
Young people’s campaign group Coventry Youth Activists (CYA) wants us all to process and remember those feelings for whatever the next chapter holds. And they’ve written about the importance of this time to reflect in their latest blog ‘Still remaining united during lockdown’, released yesterday.

The blog also looks at how current circumstances mean they’ve put a hold on two new planned campaigns to focus on learning how to spend time together as a group online and to take those conversations offline to support individual members of the team where its needed. Fortunately, the members of CYA have worked so well together for a while now and the foundations of those friendships are proving their strength at this time.
Please take a few minutes to grab a drink and read their blog here. There’s some thought-provoking content in there for what comes next when we have the opportunity to return to ‘normal’ or an improved ‘new normal’ with everyone included, supported and celebrated.
More on CYA, systems and how we help people embrace their power and agency here.