Two of our newer Coventry-based projects are bubbling away nicely, encouraging local people to use their experiences of the Covid crisis to inject new ideas and enthusiasm into community recovery plans.
The first project sits within our sparking community action family of work and starts from what we know about the strong links between loneliness and our health and wellbeing.

Focusing on the Henley ward of the city – Potters Green, Henley Green, Manor Farm, Wood End and Bell Green – community organiser Jess is asking people for their solutions for local activities in these neighbourhoods that spark and grow friendship. These solutions will be formed by communities, with and for each other.
“As a nation the pandemic has shown us that more of us care and can act. We can have tough conversations, make the impossible possible and face harsh realities with loving connection. We are learning together that we are stronger collectively.” (from ‘Biscuits, cuppas and megaphone actions’ by Act Build Change about Grapevine’s work in Coventry)
Jess’ sister project takes another powerful theme from the pandemic – our rediscovery of nature and the great outdoors – to the urban streets of Foleshill, encouraging local residents to voice their opinions on clean air, being able to access beauty on their doorsteps and nurturing green spaces for the future. The project aims to shift power into people’s hands to improve their own ‘green health’ and that of people across the city.
Both projects are supported by Public Health in Coventry and Coventry City Council and are running right now for a limited time (details below).

Join the conversation!
Jess wants to talk to as many people as possible about these two projects as soon as she can. Will you be part of the conversation to create a better future?
Call or text Jess on 07989 395446. Email her at