There are many opportunities to get involved in sparking community action – check out a few ideas below!
Earn Your Wings
Building Connections is a community-led movement against loneliness and this Christmas, they unveil their 1,000 angels initiative. More details here.
Each hand-crafted angel comes with its own ‘Acts of Kindness’ pledge sheet. The angels and pledges (all free!) are designed to start the conversation around loneliness and gather people together around an easy craft activity. Contact Jen at to get involved and Earn Your Wings – the more the merrier!
Around the Kitchen Table
We’re helping people organise themselves and lead their own solutions. Getting others Around the Kitchen Table to create something or share an interest is the perfect chance to do this and it costs little or nothing. Grapevine offers a toolkit to help get you started – contact Jen at for details.
Connecting for Good
There are multiple isolation tackling initiatives taking place across Coventry right now and many opportunities to get involved. Whether you have a skill or passion to share, or want to tell your story to inspire others to take action, please email and visit
Compassionate communities
A compassionate community cares for its members in times of crisis or loss and any residents of Atherstone or Mancetter in North Warwickshire who are interested in helping create this kind of community in their local area are invited to contact Molly at